The importance of feedback in companies: Universal feedback templates to strengthen the feedback loop

Shefali Lohia

Feedback is the lifeblood of growth and development within any organization. It is the key to unlocking insights, uncovering blind spots, and improving overall performance. An open and transparent culture of feedback fosters trust, collaboration, and innovation. It empowers employees to voice their opinions, offer suggestions, and share concerns without fear of retribution. In turn, this cultivates a workplace where individuals feel valued, heard, and engaged.

How Charma helps organizations create sustainable feedback loops

At Charma, we understand the importance of feedback within organizations. It allows employees to grow, develop, and understand how they can improve their work. More than that, feedback helps leaders and organizations understand how they're doing and how they can better support their teams.

Charma enables a culture of feedback within organizations by providing a platform for employees to easily and securely give and receive feedback. The platform is designed to make giving feedback a simple and intuitive process, and it allows organizations to track their progress over time. With the ability to compare feedback from different time periods, organizations can see how they are improving and where they need to focus their efforts. This data-driven approach can help organizations create a culture of continuous improvement and foster a sense of ownership and accountability among employees.

We recently enhanced our feedback feature to allow companies to create customizable, shareable, and comprehensive feedback templates that fit the full needs of their teams. Fully embrace the power of feedback with these benefits:

  1. Customization: Build and save feedback templates that perfectly fit the unique needs of your team and company culture.
  2. Standardization & streamlining: Ensure consistency in feedback collection by making templates readily available to your organization. Reusing the same templates makes it easy for everyone to adopt company standards, and streamlines the feedback process and enables trend analysis over time.
  3. Different question types: With various question types, you can capture both qualitative and quantitative feedback, leading to a comprehensive understanding of your team's perspectives and experiences.

10 feedback templates to strengthen your organization's culture

Here are some common templates that can be used to strengthen the feedback loop within your culture. These templates can be used across different departments and teams, making them versatile tools for any organization.

Remember, feedback should be collected anonymously when possible to encourage honest responses to gain valuable insights that can drive positive changes within the organization. Additionally, use open-ended questions to allow respondents to elaborate on their answers and provide valuable insights for improvement. Always ensure that feedback is used constructively to support individual growth, enhance team dynamics, and improve organizational performance.

General culture feedback template

General culture feedback: template overview and goals

This feedback template allows employees to give input on the quality and communications of their work culture, and encourages them to speak up about what's working and what's not, helping leaders understand how to improve the employee experience.

Who should use this general culture feedback template and when?

All departments and all organizations. Understanding employees’ experiences on an ongoing basis will help organizations strengthen their culture. We suggest collecting feedback at least two times a year.

General culture feedback template questions

How much do you agree with these statements, with 1 meaning strongly disagree, and 5 meaning strongly agree: 

  • My priorities at work are clear to me.
  • I understand our company's strategic objectives and have a good sense of what everyone is working towards.
  • In general, meetings I attend are productive, well-run, and a good use of my time.
  • When I am blocked from making progress on something, I have resources that are available and willing to help me.
  • In general, I feel my ideas and suggestions are heard during team discussions.
  • I feel my work is valued and recognized by your colleagues and superiors.

Short answer questions:

  • Are there any communication barriers that you have experienced?
  • How do you feel about the frequency and quality of team meetings?
  • Do you feel like you have the resources and support you need to be successful in your role?
  • How do you feel about the level of transparency within the company?
  • What do you appreciate about the company culture?
  • Is there any aspect of our culture that you believe needs attention or improvement?
  • Are there any areas where you feel like the company could do a better job of supporting its employees?

Project retrospective template

Project retrospective: template overview and goals

Every completed project presents an opportunity for growth and learning. This template allows teams to reflect on their collaborative efforts, identify successful practices, and pinpoint areas for improvement. By encouraging open dialogue, you can continuously enhance project outcomes. 

Who should use this project retrospective template and when?

This template is beneficial for any team or organization. Use this template at the completion of a project to gather feedback and improve future project planning.

Project retrospective template questions

  • Did you feel that you had a clear understanding of your role in the project? Why or why not?
  • Did the project achieve its initial objectives and goals? (Yes/No)
  • What were the key achievements and successes of the project?
  • What were the major challenges faced during the project and how were they addressed?
  • Rate the project's adherence to the timeline and budget: (A) Excellent, (B) On track, (C) Behind schedule/over budget
  • How would you assess the overall organization and management of the project?
  • How well did the team collaborate across departments and roles during the project?
  • How would you rate the level of communication and coordination between your team and other teams during the project?
  • How can we improve our project management processes for future endeavors?
  • Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience working on this project?

Cross-functional peer review feedback template

Cross-functional peer review feedback: template overview and goals

This template facilitates peer-to-peer feedback or feedback from individuals who have collaborated across different teams on a project. Encouraging team members to reflect on their collaborative experiences can lead to valuable insights and foster better teamwork in the future.

Who should use this general cross-functional peer review feedback template and when?

Any organization where individuals from different teams or functions collaborate on cross-functional projects. Use this template at the close of a large cross-functional project or on a quarterly basis.

Cross-functional peer review feedback template questions

  • What did you appreciate the most about your peer's work on this project?
  • What specific actions or behaviors did your peer demonstrate that had a positive impact on the project?
  • What do you think your peer could have done better or differently?
  • Did your peer communicate effectively with the team? What could have been improved?
  • Did your peer deliver their work on time? If not, explain how the situation was handled.
  • What could your peer do differently in future projects to improve their contribution to the team?

Employee feedback to manager template

Employee feedback to manager: template overview and goals

Managers play a pivotal role in guiding their teams and their growth can greatly impact the organization. They need feedback more than anyone, but they rarely get it. This template makes it easy for employees to give constructive feedback to their managers so they can better understand their impact.

It's designed not to be overly negative or complimentary and typically consists of rating questions. Instead of a fixed scale, the options are more descriptive.

Who should use this general employee feedback to manager template and when?

People managers at all levels at all organizations. Aim to use this template quarterly. Use it at least as often as employees receive feedback from their managers.

Employee feedback to manager template questions

How effectively does your manager communicate the team's goals and expectations?

  • Not clear or consistent
  • Adequate but could be improved
  • Clear and consistent

How does your manager motivate and inspire the team?

  • Lacks motivation and inspiration
  • Sometimes motivating, but inconsistent
  • Highly motivating and inspiring

How well does your manager make decisions and prioritize tasks?

  • Decision-making is slow and unclear
  • Sometimes makes effective decisions, but room for improvement
  • Makes timely and well-thought-out decisions

How effectively does your manager promote teamwork and collaboration within the team?

  • Does not promote teamwork or collaboration
  • Sometimes encourages teamwork, but improvements needed
  • Effectively fosters teamwork and collaboration

How well does your manager resolve conflicts and address team dynamics?

  • Avoids conflicts or handles them poorly
  • Tries to address conflicts but needs improvement
  • Skillfully resolves conflicts and fosters a positive team dynamic

How effectively does your manager communicate clear expectations for your role and responsibilities?

  • Expectations are unclear or constantly changing
  • Somewhat clear, but room for improvement
  • Provides clear and consistent expectations

How well does your manager clarify your role in achieving team or company objectives?

  • Rarely clarifies how my role contributes to objectives
  • Provides some clarity, but it could be better
  • Effectively explains how my role contributes to objectives

How well does your manager listen to your concerns and feedback?

  • Rarely listens or dismisses feedback
  • Listens occasionally, but improvements needed
  • Actively listens and values feedback

One-on-ones with my manager feel

  • Productive & clarifying
  • Energizing
  • Helpful, I always learn something
  • Depends (please expand)

How well does your manager recognize and acknowledge your efforts and achievements?

  • Rarely recognizes achievements
  • Occasionally acknowledges efforts, but not consistently
  • Regularly appreciates and acknowledges achievements

How often does your manager provide constructive feedback to help you improve?

  • Rarely provides feedback or it's not helpful
  • Provides feedback occasionally, but not consistently helpful
  • Regularly provides valuable and constructive feedback

How supportive is your manager in helping you achieve your goals?

  • Not supportive or available
  • Supportive at times, but could be more consistent
  • Highly supportive and available

How well does your manager communicate about career growth and development opportunities?

  • Rarely discusses growth opportunities or career paths
  • Sometimes discusses, but more proactive communication needed
  • Actively engages in discussing growth opportunities and career development

How supportive is your manager in helping you create and pursue a career development plan?

  • Not supportive or involved in career development discussions
  • Somewhat supportive, but additional support needed
  • Highly supportive and actively involved in career development discussions

How would you rate your manager's overall performance as a leader?

  • Unsatisfactory
  • Satisfactory but needs improvement
  • Excellent

Team meetings feedback template

Team meetings: template overview and goals

This template allows employees to provide honest feedback on the value of large departmental or organizational meetings, such as quarterly goal-setting sessions or mid-quarter calibration meetings. It helps leaders understand what went well and what didn't, and how to improve these meetings in the future.

Who should use this team meetings feedback template and when?

All organizations and teams that conduct large team meetings, with 6 or more people. The best time to request this feedback is shortly after the meeting, within the week, ideally within 1-2 days.

Team meetings feedback template questions

Please rate the following statements on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 meaning strongly disagree, and 5 meaning strongly agree, to help us understand your experience in the meeting:

  • The meeting was well organized and had a clear agenda.
  • The meeting provided valuable information that will help me in my work.
  • The meeting was engaging and interactive.
  • The meeting was the right length.
  • The meeting achieved its objectives.
  • I felt comfortable expressing my opinions during the meeting.

Short answer

  • Did the meeting address the key objectives and topics effectively?
  • How can we improve future departmental/organizational meetings to make them more beneficial for all attendees?
  • The meeting could have been improved by…

📌 Read about how to perfect team meeting agendas to improve team morale

Team performance evaluation template

Team performance evaluation: template overview and goals

This template is designed to evaluate employees’ feelings on the overall performance and dynamics of a team. It aims to identify areas for improvement and promote team cohesion. This may be especially useful to use after significant milestones or projects.

Who should use this team performance evaluation template and when?

Any organization with teams or pods of employees that typically work together, whether on an ongoing basis or project basis. Use this template quarterly or biannually with the goal of actioning feedback between collection cycles.

Team performance evaluation template questions

  • How well does the team communicate and share information with one another? (A) Very well, (B) Adequately, (C) Needs improvement
  • Rate the team's ability to resolve conflicts and reach consensus: (A) Strong, (B) Moderate, (C) Weak
  • How effectively does the team distribute tasks and responsibilities based on individual strengths?
  • Does the team exhibit a high level of trust among its members? (Yes/No)
  • Are team members supportive of one another's professional development? (A) Highly supportive, (B) Somewhat supportive, (C) Not supportive

Employee engagement survey template

Employee engagement survey: template overview and goals

Employee engagement is the heartbeat of a thriving organization. A highly engaged workforce is more motivated, innovative, and dedicated to achieving shared goals. This template gauges the overall engagement and satisfaction levels of employees within the organization. It helps identify areas for improvement in the work environment and employee experience.

Who should use this employee engagement survey template and when?

All organizations should send employee engagement surveys at a regular cadence to gauge employees’ experiences at work on an ongoing basis. We suggest biannually at the least, and as often as 1-2 times a month. There should be an agile strategy in place to address and action feedback between collection cycles.

Employee engagement survey template questions

  • On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the most, how satisfied are you with your current role and responsibilities?
  • Do you feel your contributions are recognized and valued by your team and supervisors? (Yes/No)
  • Have you received recognition for your work in the past month? (Yes/No)
  • Do you feel like your contributions to the team and the company are making a difference?
  • How comfortable are you providing feedback to your immediate supervisor? (A) Very comfortable, (B) Somewhat comfortable, (C) Not comfortable
  • Are you satisfied with the level of communication and collaboration among team members?
  • How would you rate the level of support provided by your manager and colleagues?
  • Do you feel like you have opportunities for growth and development in your current role? (Yes/No)
  • Do you feel like you have a good work-life balance?
  • How would you describe the overall work culture at the company?
  • Are there any changes you would like to see in how the company communicates with its employees?
  • How likely are you to recommend this company to a friend or colleague?
  • What changes or improvements would you suggest to enhance employee engagement?

📌 Read about how to detect employee disengagement

Training effectiveness evaluation feedback template

Training effectiveness evaluation feedback: template overview and goals

Investing in employee development through training programs is essential for building a skilled and adaptable workforce. To maximize the impact of these initiatives, it is crucial to gather feedback on training effectiveness. This template assesses the value of training programs and workshops conducted within the organization. It helps measure the impact of training on employee skills and performance and drive data-driven decisions.

Who should use this training effectiveness evaluation feedback template and when?

Anyone who recently participated in a training. The best time to request this feedback is immediately after the meeting, within 1-2 days at the latest. Trainees will be able to give their most thoughtful feedback when the training is still fresh in their minds.

Training effectiveness evaluation feedback template questions

  • Did the training program address the intended learning objectives? (Yes/No)
  • Rate the trainer's effectiveness in delivering the content: (A) Highly effective, (B) Moderately effective, (C) Ineffective
  • How well did the training prepare you to apply new skills in your role?
  • Was the training content relevant and aligned with your job responsibilities?
  • Were the training materials and resources sufficient and helpful? (Yes/No)
  • What additional training topics or areas would you like to see covered in the future?

Remote work productivity feedback template

Remote work productivity feedback: template overview and goals

This template assesses the productivity and challenges of employees working remotely. It helps identify ways to support remote workers and improve their work experience.

Who should use this remote work productivity feedback template and when?

All organizations with remote workers. This is an important opportunity for leadership to gauge how their distributed teams are feeling, and to boost morale, productivity, and work-life balance. We suggest collecting feedback biannually at the least, and as often as once a month.

Remote work productivity feedback template questions

  • On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being very good, how productive do you feel when working remotely?
  • Are there any barriers that make remote work difficult for you?
  • How often do you feel disconnected from your team or company?
  • What tools or resources do you need to better support remote work?
  • How would you rate the level of communication with your team or manager?
  • How often do you communicate with your team and supervisors while working remotely?
  • Are there any specific challenges you face while working remotely?
  • Do you feel like you have enough opportunities to collaborate with your team?
  • Do you feel like you have enough autonomy while working remotely?
  • What improvements could be made to enhance remote work effectiveness?
  • Are there any other areas of remote work that you'd like to discuss or provide feedback on?

📌 Read about how to increase remote team engagement

Communication and collaboration assessment template

Communication and collaboration assessment: template overview and goals

This template evaluates the effectiveness of communication and collaboration processes within the organization. It helps identify communication gaps and improve teamwork.

Who should use this communication and collaboration assessment template and when?

All organizations. Leadership and HR Teams should collect this feedback at least twice a year to best understand their teammates' views on communication and collaboration within the workplace.

Communication and collaboration assessment template questions

  • Do you feel that important information is communicated transparently within the organization? (Yes/No)
  • How often do team meetings effectively address project progress and challenges?
  • Rate the effectiveness of team communication tools (e.g., messaging platforms, project management tools): (A) Highly effective, (B) Moderately effective, (C) Ineffective
  • Are there any specific obstacles to collaboration that you have encountered?
  • What suggestions do you have to enhance communication and collaboration among teams?

📌 Read about asynchronous communication and how to use it effectively

Build custom feedback templates with Charma

Beloved by managers, HR, executives, and ICs alike, Charma is the best practice toolkit for managers to organize, motivate, and engage their teams.

Use Charma’s customizable feedback tool to deepen your organization’s culture of open communication, constant improvement, and continuous feedback.

Check out our resources for articles, guides, and success stories dedicated to running efficient and effective teams. If you have any questions about anything you read or how to utilize Charma, reach out to our team at any time.

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